(in English as requested by an international reader...)

ella fitzgerald oh la la....
two o'clock
ronan was the last of this evening's guests to leave
not before having danced to Toxic and Ray of Light
tching tching!
four kinds of cheese
four kinds of bread
even more bottles of wine
maybe an equal amount of beers
besides my lovely wife
five lovely friends
talking to one another
in three languages
a part from
of course...
body language...
                                                                                               (och konst med bild)
anyhow it's been a lovely evening
wrapped up in strawberries
tigercake hahaha
tiny little cookies
and boyish giggles
and girlish laughter
and one thousand kisses on the cheek

Last night
I crawled under the covers
just as Christina got up to go to work
and I was not even tired at all
even if I fell asleep
the second my head rested on my pillow.
I'd spent my evening with rats
The eiffel tower sparkling against the dark sky
La Seine
A heavy denim jacket
with Turbojugend marks
and Hellacopters pins all over
A boy
A chuckling taxi driver with frightening tics and a friendly smile
And it was indeed a night worth being awake for
This one however is for sleeping....


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